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Technology Abuse Safety

Staying safe in the ever-changing world of modern technology can be intimidating for anyone. Abusers and perpetrators often use these tools to their advantage, so keeping in the know is more important than ever. In a survey done by the National Network to End Domestic Violence (NNEDV), 97% of domestic violence programs report that abusers are using technology to stalk, harass, and control their victims. Technology is not the enemy, it is unreasonable in 2020 to expect any adult or teenager to cut themselves off from social interaction and resources found online. Instead, it’s better to create the safest and healthiest atmosphere that is specific to you. It’s impossible to cover every aspect of technology safety, however, here are a few general tips:

  • Turn off location in any social media (e.g., Snapchat Maps, location sharing)
  • Keep your passwords completely private, and be sure that they are complex and secure
  • Document any technology abuses (screenshots, print outs, handwritten journals) in case evidence is deleted
  • Review and research the safety of any app on your phone
  • Block, report, or hide anyone you do not want to see or contact you on social media

Don’t be afraid to use technology to keep in touch with loved ones, get help, or find information – it can be just as good at keeping us safe as helping an abuser harm. It’s just important to stay in the know about how technology and social media can be used in both the good and the bad ways to stay safe.

If you feel you need support in staying safe from an abuser, please call Albemarle Hopeline’s 24 Hour Crisis Line at 252-338-3011.

If your group would like a technology safety training from Albemarle Hopeline, please call our main office at 252-338-5338 or e-mail



Recognizing and Combating Technology-Facilitated Abuse, 2016

12 Tips on Cell Phone Safety and Privacy

Online Abuse 101

Agency Funding Provided By:
  • NC Council for Women
  • NCCF
  • Camber Foundation
    Camber Foundation
  • Perna Rose
    Perna Rose